Resin Bond Micron (RB-Micron)

Our RB diamond micron powder is accurately graded from friable resin bond diamond particles and is ideal for all vitrified bond and resin bond (phenolic) systems. WWSA’s RB micron consists of uniformly shaped blocky particles carefully graded for carbide, glass and ceramic grinding where surface finish quality is critical.


The RB-M1’s ability to microfracture allows the crystal to continuously generate new cutting edges. This along with consistent shape and controlled particle distributions, make the RB-M1 an excellent choice.

Micro Size 0-0.25 0-0.5 0-1 0-2 1-2 1-3 2-3 2-4 3-5 5-7 7-10 8-16 10-20 12-22 20-25 20-30 22-36 30-40 40-60